Wānaka data from MetService.com
Severe weather information
Today 27 Jul
Partly cloudy. Wind at 1000 metres: Northerlies 40 km/h but gale 65 km/h in exposed places. Wind at 2000 metres: Northerlies gale 70 km/h. Free air freezing level: 2200 metres, lowering to 1600 metres this evening.
Sun 28 Jul
Cloudy with scattered rain, clearing in the afternoon but remaining partly cloudy. Wind at 1000 metres: Northerlies 30 km/h but 50 km/h in exposed places, becoming light in the afternoon. Wind at 2000 metres: Northerlies 50 km/h, rising to gale 70 km/h for a time in the morning. Becoming southwesterly 35 km/h in the afternoon and dying out in the evening. Free air freezing level: About 1900 metres.
Mon 29 Jul
Rain, with some heavy falls. Snow lowering to 700 metres. Wind: Easterlies, turning southerly late. Free air freezing level: 1500 metres, lowering to 1100 metres.